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We reserve the right to cancel, reassign, or rebook your appointment due to safety concerns

Here are a Few things we ask that you do to prepare for your visit to the salon:

There are a number of things you can do to help stop the spread of germs in the salon.

  1.  I will Provide hand sanitizer at the salon door and ask clients to use after they wash hands upon arrival.

  2. There will be Temperature Checks upon arrival to ensure you are at the required temp for servicing.

  3. You will complete a client waiver form that will be sent through link or you can view on this website (Located at the bottom of this Checklist) This Form will be completed the day of the service at the time of your service.  

  4. You can not bring any extra people with you to the salon (NO EXCEPTIONS)

  5. You will wear a mask the entire salon service/visit. If you don't have masks with you 1 will be provide for additional charge.

  6. We will practice sanitation & disinfection the entire time of service.

  7. You will only have specific times that appointments are available. Please respect the appointment time of others, remain in your car until directed to enter

  8. For cancelled appointments there will be a $30 rebooking fee if appointment is not cancelled in a 48 hour time period (or you will not be able to book with salon again)

  9. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with an alcohol-based hand soap to kill viruses that might be on your hands.

  10. Keep at least (6 feet) distance between you and I as much as possible, when we can't remain 6 feet apart, we will protect ourselves with equipment & essentials to stay safe as possible.

  11. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, because it’s easy for viruses to enter the body through these habits.  If you know you have been coughing, sneezing, not feeling well you will need to book at a later date.

  12. Make sure you and the people around you follow good respiratory hygiene – this means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the used tissue away immediately.

  13. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, stay home and call your doctor for advice.

  14. Healthy Concepts Hair & Beauty Center is an appointment only salon.  It will be special accommodations for customers to purchase hair products and other items that the salon retails.

  15. Stay informed on the latest developments about COVID-19, and follow advice given by your healthcare provider and your national and local public health authority on how to protect yourself from COVID-19. Healthy Concepts Hair & Beauty Center has the right to refuse service at any time if safety is compromised.

Here are the client waiver forms to protect both of us

I will not render a service unless this form is completed

Click View Form to Access Client Safety Service Wavier Form

Click View Form to Access Client Safety Service Revisit Wavier Form

If you have any questions or concerns Contact Natasha Alleyne 252.314.6325

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©2022 By Healthy Concepts Hair & Beauty Center

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